Meie 26 aastase ajalooga pereettevõte on pidevas kasvamises ja võtame oma väikesesse ja kokkuhoidvasse tiimi jooksvalt juurde raamatupidamise spetsialiste.
Our company is mainly active in two areas:
- Accounting for small businesses operating in Estonia; and
- annual reports of small investor companies.
Hetkel on meie kliendiportfellis üle 140 väikeettevõtte, äritegevustest on enamik kliente IT ja ehituse sektorist, lisaks erinevad teenusepakkujad ning kord aastas klientide puhul on enamik väikeinvestorite OÜ-d.
We're looking for a hard-working and hard-working accountant to help us look after the accounts of small businesses. This is a great opportunity to work alongside our clients or use your spare time to good effect.
Your job is to:
- paberivaba andmete töötlemine kasutades kaasaegseid veebipõhiseid tarkvarasid (Smart Accountsi ja Envoice);
- Submission of TSD;
- Submission of KMD;
- preparing the annual report;
- kliendisuhtlus e-maili teel;
- palgaarvestus;
- adding payments to the bank;
- advising clients on accounting and tax matters.
You already know how to do it all perfectly, don't you!
If you're still thinking about applying, know that:
- you'll always have full support from our team;
- sul on võimalus küsida nõu meie koostööpartneritelt (maksunõustajatelt, pearaamatupidajatelt, palgaspetsialistidelt) väljaspool meie ettevõtet, et saaksid oma töös kindel olla;
- you have free access to our training materials;
- freedom of location - you can work from our office or from a location of your choice;
- sul on võimalus ise oma töögraafikut planeerida, mis võimaldab sujuvalt ühildada töö- ja pereelu;
- pereettevõtte kultuur tähendab isiklikku lähenemist ja sooja õhkkonda – siin pole sa lihtsalt üks paljudest;
- your client portfolio is made up of the best of our long-standing and new clients. 🙂
Sounds good!
We look forward to welcoming you if
- numbers and accounting to make your eyes shine;
- have the courage to deal with issues independently;
- you have an all-round commitment to good relations and understand that our clients are our family;
- you have previous work experience and a professional/professional qualification;
- you are systematic in your time planning;
- and it would be especially good if you are in the investment world yourself.
There is no need to think too long! Send your letter or request to:
I now await your letter. Maybe we can start working together. 🙂