Online accounting services

Online accounting services for small and medium sized companies in Estonia.

Using only digital documents saves time for all parties and makes dealing with the accountant much more convenient.
We give your business access to an accounting program for, among other things, preparing sales invoices and monitoring receipts.
All the work is done by experienced accountants with whom you can always communicate directly.
We also deal with investment and crowdfunding, among others.
clients have entrusted us with their accounts
years in action
the declaration submitted to the tax office
of our clients transmit documents digitally
Siim Männart
Siim Männart
CEO, IT Specialist/ Stackist OÜ

Siim Männart

Martin is efficient to work with and always keeps our company's books in order. He has an excellent knowledge of his field, including investment accounting, and is proactive in giving advice on how to do things better. However, if I do have a question, I always get a prompt and knowledgeable answer.

Märt Lepik
Märt Lepik

Märt Lepik

I can safely entrust the accounts of my various organisations to Martin. I appreciate his friendliness and prompt communication - this means I can always feel free to discuss any issues I need to discuss over the phone, and can be confident that my finances are in good hands.

Rain Männikus
Rain Männikus

Rain Männikus

I'm working with Martin from 2022. His work is fast and decent. I like the fact that he gives timely and thorough information about missing documents.

Nikolay Roll
Nikolay Roll

Nikolay Roll

I like how everything is simple and easy with Martin. If i have a question he is there to answer it. He has set up a system of tools which are easy to manage and stress free. He is guiding me through things so accounting is a breeze. Highly recommend!

Drinks International

Drinks International

For reliable financial expertise, Nordfinance is unmatched. Their detailed approach ensures very accurate bookkeeping, tax preparation, and insightful financial analysis, allowing businesses to thrive with confidence.

Tõnu / Esteiron
Tõnu Ojanurm


In the construction sector, it is important to monitor construction budgets and compare them with actual costs, as this has a direct impact on the success of our projects. Nordfinance's service has given us exactly what we need - accuracy, reliability and professional support. Together, we have established workable processes that allow us to keep an eye on things with minimal time. I am particularly grateful for Martin's quick response and flexibility, which has been a great help during our busy periods. Nordfinance's service has given us peace of mind that our finances are in order and it allows us to focus on what we do best - providing a quality construction service.

Kristo Post
Kristo Post
IT valdkond (Hoolduskeskuse eestvedaja) / CWS OÜ


Nordfinance's accounting service has been a real help in running my business. As a sole trader, I have to take care of a lot of things myself, but thanks to your reliable service, I can concentrate on my business without any worries. You're always there when I have questions or need advice and I appreciate your thoroughness. I am very satisfied and will definitely recommend you to others!

Maarja Hallik
Maarja Hallik


Thank you so much for ALL your help this past year! You are wonderful!

Asnate Tuulik
Asnate Tuulik
Member of the Board / Eesti Montessori Ühing


Martin hoolitseb Eesti Montessori Ühingu raamatupidamise eest. Ühingu tegemistest lähemalt kuuldes tekkis tal endal huvi meid selles osas aidata. Küsimuste tekkimisel saame temaga mugavalt Messengeris nõu pidada. Kui mõnikord on välja tulnud, et mõni dokument on puudu jäänud, siis on ta kordusarvete küsimise enda peale võtnud ja meie aega säästnud. Kõik raamatupidamise- ja maksuküsimused leiavad temaga lahenduse!

Samuel Markus Reinaru
Samuel Markus Reinaru


Nordfinance can provide relevant answers to accounting questions. Pleasant service!

Georg Allikas


Olen väga rahul Nordfinance raamatupidamisteenusega. Olen väikeinvestor ja saan oma küsimustele kiirelt asjalikud vastused. Koostöö on sujunud väga ladusalt. Soovitan!

Liis Siiroja
Liis Siiroja
Founder / KideoCall

Liis Siiroja

Aitäh sulle, Martin, et meid selle projekti juures toetasid!! Oled usaldusväärne, kiire, paindlik ja alati valmis kaasa mõtlema - mega abi ja mega koostööpartner! :)

Mirjam Lauringson
Mirjam Lauringson
Turunduskonsultant / Väikefirma Turundus OÜ


Nordfinance Accounting OÜ on olnud meile kindlaks ning tugevaks partneriks kõigis finantsküsimustes ja võtnud sujuvalt enda hoolde ettevõtte raamatupidamise, mis lubab meil rahulikult keskenduda oma põhitegevusele, muretsemata numbrite ja aruannete pärast. Usaldusväärne, kiire ja põhjalik. Soovitame!

Silver Knäzev
Member of the Board / Edites OÜ


Aastatepikkune koostöö annab kinnitust teenuse heas kvaliteedis. Olen kindel soovitaja!

Jüri Tibar
Jüri Tibar
Member of the Board / Technodeal OÜ

Jüri Tibar

I run a one-man business in construction and engineering. With Martin's accounting services, we have been able to get our company's finances in order and operate with peace of mind. In the construction sector, there are always a lot of ongoing changes and quick decisions, so it's important that our accountant is quickly available and can give good advice. Martin has been extremely professional and flexible. I get things done in a concise and concrete manner. Thank you for keeping my company's finances in impeccable order!

Best solutions

We make accounting as convenient as possible for you by building on your strengths.

 Paperless administration

Quick answers

24/7 access to financial data

Long-term experience

 Can-do attitude

See more Contact us

In our work we use

Raamatupidamise büroodes rakendatakse väga erinevaid töö tegemise meetodeid. Meie oleme paberivabad, kaasaegsed ja uuendusmeelsed ning kasutame oma töö korraldamisel parimaid Eesti tarkvarasid - raamatupidamiseks Smart Accounts, palgaarvestuses Merit Palk ning Envoice digiteerimiseks. Nii on kliendil alati andmetele ligipääs ning töö on meie poolt kiire ja efektiive. Ajahaldustarkvara Uku aitab tagada, et ülesanded saavad alati lubatud ajaks tehtud ja erisoovid on kindlalt tööde nimekirjas. Kui meie teadmistest jääb maksuküsimustes väheks, siis Eesti Maksumaksjate Liidu juristid valdavad maksuteemasid peensusteni ja aitavad meie klientidel teha paremaid valikuid. Koolitame end vähemalt korra kuus Eesti tipp-raamatupidaja õppematerjalidega või webinaril raamatupidajate Profiklubis (teemad on maksundusest, ettevõtjate finantsnõustamisest, büroo juhtimisest jms). Lisaks oleme liikmed Peeter Pärteli Fast track Education koolitusgrupis ja leiame kinnisvaraäris kõige maksuoptimaalsemad lahendused. Meie tegevus on kaetud ka Ergo erialase vastutuskindlustusega.

Modern web-based software

Experienced lawyers to assist in tax advice and tax disputes (Estonian Taxpayers' Association)

Activities covered by professional indemnity insurance

Innovations in the organisation of bookkeeping (Estonian Accountants Association)

Monthly training from Krista Teearu at the Professional Accountants Club

Best advice for the property business (Fast Track Education, Peeter Pärtel)